
Emily Dental Assistant In Warragul, Gippsland In Warragul Dental Care


Dental Assistant

Emily is left-handed, which as we all know, means she’s amazing. It’s true! Emily is our fabulous Dental Assistant who loves working with the WDC team and getting involved with all the team fun.

Emily goes by the nickname, ‘Robbo’ (we’ll let her explain that one) and is a keen netballer with Neerim South. We think she must be pretty agile on the court cos Emily says if she was an animal, she’d be a cat. We think that’s pretty pawsome.

Emily knew WDC was the place for her because she was a patient here before joining the team. We’re so glad we made a good impression, phew!

When it comes to food, Emily’s go-to is a good parma. Her favourite quote is Live, Laugh, Love, which we think is a brilliant outlook on life. We’ll just add ‘Smile’ to the end to make it perfect.


Hi there! Click below to talk with the team. Want to go old school? You can call us on (03) 5623 5588.